In September and October the Cultural Foundation « The Routes of the Olive Tree » participated in several important events in the framework of Meetings of the European Cultural Itineraries in Athens and Karpathos (Greece), the European Day of Tourism in Brussels and the Grand Feast of Messinia, that took place in Athens… 
The Cultural Foundation « The Routes of the Olive Tree », has been recognised many times as an international and European cultural itinerary and its network, with more than 145 partners nowadays and recently authorised by the Council of Europe, was invited  to participate in three important meetings and conferences.

On 7 September, in Athens, the Foundation « The Routes of the Olive Tree » was invited by the department of International Relations of the Greek Ministry of Culture to a round table that brought together representatives of cultural itineraries in Greece, the Ministry of Culture and Touristic Development and the European Institute of the Council of Europe.
The Foundation brought up its action for the promotion of the « Routes of the Olive Tree » during the last 10 years and also presented its plans for the year 2010-2011, with special mention to the touristic valorisation of local itineraries of the « Routes of the Olive Tree », especially through the region of Peloponnese (south of Greece) and pilot programmes developed in Morocco and Lebanon.

The “Routes of the Olive Tree” attended the meeting of the European Cultural Routes on “the cultural heritage, cultural itineraries, cultural tourism, Sustainable, Cultural, Economic and Social Development, the collaborative networks and exemplary practices”, which was organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in Karpathos from the 20th to the 22nd  September 2010, invited by the Karpathian Mr. Theodosis Mastrominas, ex. member of staff of European Commission
The meeting was attended by Mrs Maria Vlazaki, Director General for Antiquities of the Ministry for Culture and Tourism, Ms. Zoe Kazazaki, Head of the Directorate  for International Relations of the same ministry, Mr Michel Thomas Penette, director of the Institute for European Cultural Routes of the  Council of Europe, Greek and foreign representatives of cultural routes, that are either recognized by the Council of Europe, or in the stage of application  for recognition, as well as representatives  of the local authorities.
A presentation of recent developments and  planning of the “Routes of the Olive Tree” took place during the meeting.
2010-10-08-01On September 27 the Foundation was in Brussels, where the European Commission brings together every year the professionals of tourism in the framework of the European Day of Tourism, for a day of conferences dedicated to European cultural itineraries as new touristic forms and strategies in Europe, and their recent integration in the heart of the new tourism practices of the European Union. In this important day were present, among others, the ministers of Culture from France, Italy, Spain, Germany and Portugal, the minister of the German-speaking community of Belgium and the European Institute of cultural itineraries chosen to present the pertinence and relevance of the Programme that has implicated the Foundation since 2005.

The Foundation was represented by our collaborator Mr. Edouard de Laubrie who participated in the 4th session under the title « Tourism, Sustainable development and network » and took the opportunity to go back to the activities and projects of the Routes of the Olive Tree regarding cultural tourism, under the theme « Routes of the Olive Tree and traditional values».

The Foundation was also present through the exhibition «Europe on the Move: cultural itineraries of the Council of Europe» installed in the building of the European Union.

From 11 to 13 October the Cultural Foundation « Routes of the Olive Tree » participated in the Grand Feast of Messinian that took place in the centre of Athens (Syntagma Metro station)

This important event in the Greek capital, organised in common with the Messinian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, included several actions (exhibitions, degustation, meetings, etc.)

The Foundation « The Routes of the Olive Tree » had a central place in the Feast, especially with a great exhibition entitled « Routes of the Olive Tree: an itinerary for intercultural dialogue and development of international cooperation». At the same time, these three days they also had a stand for the exhibition and promotion of olive products sold at the shop « The Routes of the OLIVE TREE SHOP ».
Exhibition at Syntagma Station
Exhibition at Syntagma Station


2010 has been named the Year of the Olive Tree in Sfax, Tunisia. Organised by the Maison de France in Sfax, a number of events have been held so far. Still open for entries, a photography competition about the olive tree.



The “Olive Project of Tunisia 2010” is a project managed by the Maison de France in Sfax, in partnership with various Tunisian ministries as well as several non-trading partner companies. It is based on the concept of “the olive in all its forms”, starting in the region of Sfax. The aim is to increase awareness among Tunisians of all ages of this precious and symbolic possession through a wide range of activities and initiatives with cultural and heritage-related, educational and academic, scientific and agronomic, industrial and commercial themes.

 A number of events have already been organised, aimed for the most part at the young people living in the region: 
– the creation of a mosaic of the olive, exhibited in the hall of the Maison de France
a meeting between young pupils, farmers and the owner of an oil factory
– a visit to an oil factory by Sfaxian school classes
a visit by artisans, working with olive wood with students of the HIACS (the Higher Institute of Arts and Crafts of Sfax)
workshops by French artists for students of the HIACS

2010-08-03-02 2010-08-03-03 

Large public events have also been organised to promote the olive tree and the Sfax region.

– the organisation of artistic and interactive exhibitions
– a cycle of multidisciplinary conferences on the olive tree
– an international symposium titled “Olive and Diversity: From Heritage to Transmission”



Last days of an exhbition by Aris Georgiou at Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art (Thessaloniki, Greece)


“ARBORETUM”. An exhibition by Aris Georgiou
from 21/06/2010 to 31/07/2010

Place: Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art

Co-Organizers: Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art

The Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art presents the donation of well known photographer, Aris Georgiou, to the permanent collection of the museum.
The exhibition includes photographs from the series ARBORETUM, a collection of tree photogrphs that combine photography with visual approaches.



The Cultural Foundation “Routes of the Olive Tree” participated in the 2nd celebration of the Olive Tree in the city of Meknes, following an official invitation of the Agropole Olivier and the local authorities of the region Meknes-Tafilalet, members of the International Network “Routes of the Olive Tree”.


This important event for the historic city of the Olive Tree in Morocco was organised by the Agro-pole Olivier Meknes and the Association UDOM “Union for the Development of the Olive Tree of Meknes”. It was put under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI and included approximately forty events (conferences, forums, exhibitions, specialised workshops, degustations, contests, visits, etc.).


As an official partner, the “Routes of the Olive Tree” Foundation occupied an important place in the celebration. In the official inauguration of this second edition in the Cultural Complex Habous, assisted, among others, Mister Wali of Meknes-Tafilalet Region, the President of the Council of Meknes-Tafilalet Region, the General Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Sea Fishing, the President of the CEO of the International Olive Council, and Mr. G. Karabatos, President of the CCI of Messinia and CEO of the “Routes of the Olive Tree” Foundation, who delivered on the occasion a very important speech concerning the new perspectives for development of tourism and promotion of olive products.


The programme of the following days was very rich in activities. The “Routes of the Olive Tree” Foundation inaugurated successfully an exhibition entitled “Routes of the Olive Tree: an itinerary for intercultural dialogue and development of international cooperation in the central esplanade of the Celebration. At the same time, during these two days it animated an exhibition stand for the promotion of olive products sold at the boutique “The Routes of the OLIVE TREE SHOP”.


In the center of meetings and discussions that took place in the Cultural Center of the Habous. In this regard, a Round Table was organised around the theme “the Routes of the Olive Tree as an innovative proposition of sustainable development for olive growing regions”, with the participation of the scientific collaborators of the “Routes of the Olive Tree” M. Katsilieri, A. Guittard, E. De Laubrie and El. Chatzinikolaou, as well as members of the “Routes of the Olive Tree” network from many Mediterranean countries. Their presentations analysed cultural tourism and cultural itineraries as a new promising form of thematic tourism.


This round table and generally the edition in its total reinforced the  “Routes of the Olive Tree” network, in a level of institutions as well as partnerships, both with the big international official olive oil organisations, and also with regional representations and Euromediterranean initiatives from Morocco, Spain, France, Portugal, Greece, Italy, Syria and Tunisia.

Foreign delegation representative
Foreign delegation representative
N. Ouazzani
N. Ouazzani

This edition was also the occasion for renewing the friendship and strong partnerships binding the Foundation and the Agro-Pole Olivier of Meknes, who have recently undertaken the creation and concept of a local cultural itinerary “Routes of the Olive Tree” in the region of Meknes-Tafilalet. Since the creation of the “Routes of the Olive Tree” in 1998, Morocco occupies a special place in the cultural itineraries and the cooperation network realised by the Foundation. The olive growing regions are privileged spaces of exchange and understanding with what unites all people in the Mediterranean to the “millenary civilisation of the olive tree”.

The Agro-Pole Olivier, directed by Dr. Noureddine Ouazzani, co-initiator and coorganisator of the “Celebration of the Olive Tree in Meknes” and the Cultural Foundation took the opportunity to seal their high level of collaboration and materialise their work, by signing an agreement of tripartite partnership. This agreement also marked a new membership in the “Routes of the Olive Tree” network, in the person of M. Brahim Zniber, president of the Association UDOM (“Union for the Development of the Olive Tree in Meknes”).

Convention signature / N.Ouazzani; G.Karabatos; B.Zniber
Convention signature / N.Ouazzani; G.Karabatos; B.Zniber

During this great Celebration of the Olive Tree, the Foundation also wished to develop its initiative for youngsters and children by setting up a creative workshop for children, where numerous children of the city of Meknes participated enthusiastically and a class of the School Notre-Dame of Meknes were invited, joining the “Little Friends of the Olive Tree”.


The Second Edition of the Celebration of the Olive Tree in Meknes was characterised by successful meetings and exchanges, and allowed the “Routes of the Olive Tree” Foundation to point out the wide range of its reflections, its activities and its network; elements that make it an important value of the olive tree landscape in the Mediterranean.


The Cultural Foundation “Routes of the Olive Tree” participated in the works of the second  Forum of Delphi  which was held successfully on 17 & 18 April 2010 at the European Cultural Centre of Delphi. The 2nd  Forum, as a Continuing cooperation platform for European Cultural Routes, was organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Greece in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture of Luxembourg and implemented under the bilateral cultural cooperation programs in Greece and Luxembourg, with the active support of European Institute of Cultural Routes.The aim of the Forum was to present the evolution of the Program, after the Declaration of the 1st Forum of Delphi in May 2006 in which the “The Routes of the Olive Tree” were officially called “Great European Cultural Route of the Council of Europe” and having in mind that the cultural routes are very important tools for the development of intercultural dialogue, rapprochement of cultures, sustainable development and promotion of cultural tourism and European integration.

The Platform of Delphi for the Cultural Routes to the second Forum, invited representatives of European and international bodies such as the Council of Europe, the European Commission, European Parliament, the Committee of Regions of the EU, Unesco, the ICOMOS, the World Trade Organization of Tourism, members of the Euro parliament and representatives of the Ministries of Culture in Europe, to present their current positions on cultural routes and cultural tourism in Europe.

During the works  were  examined the problems and new ways of management and financing of cultural routes and the economic models to promote the destination “Europe” together with representatives of the private sector.

Georges Karabatos
Georges Karabatos

On the first day of the Forum,the Executive Director of the Cultural Organization “The Routes of the Olive Tree”, Mr. George Karabatos participated with an extensive presentation and having as theme “The Routes of the Olive Tree ‘, a tool for sustainable development olive oil producing areas of the Mediterranean.

On the second day at the  three round-tables  were discussed the modern  tools and tourist products of cultural routes and forms of tourism that respect local communities and their cultural identity, taking into account the culture and the values of material  and intangible cultural heritage of each crossing region with  the diversity that characterizes it.

Round table 1
Round table 1

Six collaborators of the Cultural Organization “The Routes of the Olive Tree” (M. Katsilieri, Audrey Guittard, Nourredine Ouazzani, Elisavet Chatzinikolaou, Edouard De Laubrie, George Sarantavgas) participated in the workshops with suggestions and proposals.


At the works  participated among others Mrs Eleni Arveler, which documented scientific and historical the fact that culture and cultural routes are  the gate  to the economy and trade, the Secretary General of Culture of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism Ms. Lina Mendoni, the Secretary General of Tourism George Poussaios,  the General Director of the Directorate for Education, Culture and Heritage of the Council of Europe Ms. G. Bataini – Dragoni, the Manager of the European Institute of Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, Mr M. Thomas-Penette and many others.

General Reunion of the Cultural Routes Network

12/18/09 – As a network actor of the European Cultural Foundation “The Routes of the Olive Tree”, the representatives of the Foundation went to the capital of Luxembourg in order to participate in the different events organised by the European Institute of Cultural Itineraries.

Mr. Michel-Thomas Penette, director of the European Foundation of Cultural Itineraries, comes back to the meeting in these terms:

“(…) Today, on the occasion of the general assembly of the European Cultural Itineraries network, realised at the Neumünster abbey, we can confirm that the twenty five subjects awarded by the European Council allow, not only a concrete transborder collaboration between forty-nine European countries, but also cooperation with the countries at the other bank of the Mediterranean.

It is a “mild” political cooperation, in which the reconciliation praised by the European institutions begins from heritage and culture. We are offered the  possibility to cross once more the great historic transcontinental routes, discover all over again the rural areas and the landscapes of the olive tree and the vine, restore our industrial heritage, re-examine religious heritage in a spirit of dialogue and confirm the importance of linguistic and literal heritage.

For more informations see in FLASH INFO site The Routes of  the Olive tree :


The Routes of the Olive Tree in an event about Messinia!

The Messinian Chamber of Commerce, in an effort to promote Messinian region and its products, organized a three-day Exhibition-Market in Athens (Attica Metro Station “Syntagma”) on October 26, 27 and 28, 2009.


Ms. K.Batzeli / M. G.Karampatos

The Minister of Agricultural Development & Food Mrs. Katerina Mpatzeli inaugurated officially the event on Monday, October 26th at 12:00, in the presence of Messinian deputes, entrepreneurs and many guests.

This Messinian feast falls under the Project of Promotion of Messinia and local gastronomy in Greece and abroad which is implemented by the Messinian Chamber of Commerce with the goal to valorize all the comparative advantages of the region.


During the exhibition entitled ” Messinia: one region 1.000 flavors, one region 1.000 faces ” the local products and gastronomy were presented, as well as the touristic product “Messinia” in all its dimensions (ecotourism, agrotourism, conference tourism).



The exhibition was a celebration with music, images of Messinia and tasting of traditional Messinian products that visitors could buy.


Among the supporters of this successful Messinian feast was the “Little Shop of the Olive Tree Routes”, placed at a central spot drawing the attention of visitors.


The Routes of the Olive Tree in Morocco!

The city of Meknes hosted successfully the 4th International Conference ‘Mediterranean Days of the Olive Tree’ for thee days (October 19th – 21st 2009), with the participation of the Cultural Foundation ‘The Olive Tree Routes’.

The Conference was realized on an initiative of the National Agronomical School of Morocco, in cooperation with the International Institute of Andalucia.


The Executive Director of the Cultural Foundation ‘The Routes of the Olive Tree’, Mr. Karampatos, presented to the actors invited all the range of activities and proposals for strengthening the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation.

He also analyzed the activities that have been realized or are scheduled in the framework of the Cultural Itineraries ‘The Olive Tree Routes’, with the active participation of Morocco in a multilevel cooperation.

Mr. Karampatos’ positions were warmly received by all the participants and local media, while praised by the Responsible of the District of Meknes, the City Mayor and members of the Euromediterranean network ‘the Routes of the Olive Tree’.

2009-10-29-02In the framework of the Conference, the representatives of the Routes of the Olive Tree had the opportunity to meet and have extensive conversations with members of the Network, institutions and the Executive Director of the International Network of Olive Oil Mr. M.O. SBITRI, the Vice President of Andalucia District Mrs. E. PILAR, the Honorary President of European Olive Oil Tasters Mrs. F. CAMURATI as well as journalists from many countries.

The 4th Meeting for the Mediterranean Days of the Olive Tree

Having as theme  “Aims of olive oil: Quality, Certification, Protected Designation of Origin, Marketing, Environment and Energy”, the National School of Agriculture / Agro-p�le Olivier ENA Mekn�s is organizing  in cooperation with the International University of Andalusia (UNIA) the 4th Meeting “Mediterranean Days of Olive Tree from 19 to 23 October 2009 in Meknes.
The previous 3 meetings in which the Cultural Organization ‘Routes of the Olive Tree “actively participated, were a great success and the meeting of scientists and researchers working on these issues proved more than useful.
The program of the 4th Meeting includes thematic days with technical and scientific conferences on oil quality, certification, Protected Designation of Origin, marketing, the utilization of olive by-products, the environment and energy. This year, the “Routes of the Olive Tree” will be present at this important event and their collaborators will participate at the workshops with proposals and presentations on topics such as modern strategic promotion and marketing of oil, etc.


Monday, 19th of October 2009
International market of the olive oil, strategies of promotion and marketing of the olive oil
Tuesday, 20th October 2009
Agronomic and industrial factors (processing, storage and standardization) affecting the olive oil quality and quality standards.
Wednesday, 21st October 2009
Utilization of olive by-products, environment and energy.
Thursday, 22nd and Friday, 24th October 2009
Lessons for Olive Oil Connoisseurs