Having as theme “Aims of olive oil: Quality, Certification, Protected Designation of Origin, Marketing, Environment and Energy”, the National School of Agriculture / Agro-p�le Olivier ENA Mekn�s is organizing in cooperation with the International University of Andalusia (UNIA) the 4th Meeting “Mediterranean Days of Olive Tree from 19 to 23 October 2009 in Meknes.
The previous 3 meetings in which the Cultural Organization ‘Routes of the Olive Tree “actively participated, were a great success and the meeting of scientists and researchers working on these issues proved more than useful.
The program of the 4th Meeting includes thematic days with technical and scientific conferences on oil quality, certification, Protected Designation of Origin, marketing, the utilization of olive by-products, the environment and energy. This year, the “Routes of the Olive Tree” will be present at this important event and their collaborators will participate at the workshops with proposals and presentations on topics such as modern strategic promotion and marketing of oil, etc.
Monday, 19th of October 2009
International market of the olive oil, strategies of promotion and marketing of the olive oil
International market of the olive oil, strategies of promotion and marketing of the olive oil
Tuesday, 20th October 2009
Agronomic and industrial factors (processing, storage and standardization) affecting the olive oil quality and quality standards.
Agronomic and industrial factors (processing, storage and standardization) affecting the olive oil quality and quality standards.
Wednesday, 21st October 2009
Utilization of olive by-products, environment and energy.
Utilization of olive by-products, environment and energy.
Thursday, 22nd and Friday, 24th October 2009
Lessons for Olive Oil Connoisseurs