Rene Redzepi (Δανός αρχιμάγειρας και συνιδιοκτήτης του  εστιατορίου Noma  στη  Κοπεγχάγης της Δανίας  (το καλύτερο στον κόσμο με αστέρια της Michelin) και ο δημιουργός της  νέας σκανδιναβικής κουζίνας.

Ε Ι Π Ε :

«Το να μαθαίνουν τα παιδιά το αλφαβητάρι της φύσης, το ρυθμό των εποχών και να γίνονται ΤΡΟΦΟ συλλέκτες στο σχολείο, είναι το ίδιο σημαντικό με τα μαθηματικά, το διάβασμα και το γράψιμο».

2018 Activity Report of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe Programme

prepared in cooperation with the European Institute of Cultural Routes.

2018 has been an exceptional year for the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe Programme. Three new member States joined the Enlarged Partial Agreement (EPA) on Cultural Routes (Finland, Turkey and the Holy See), two new certifications brought the programme to 33 certified Cultural Routes (“Via Charlemagne” and “Impressionisms Routes”) and the European Institute of Cultural Routes celebrated its 20th anniversary. Last year has also been marked by a great number of events and activities, such as the 8th Annual EPA Advisory Forum in Görlitz, Germany, the 7th Training Academy along the European Routes of Emperor Charles V, in Yuste, Spain, the presence at international fairs (Paris, Berlin, Madrid) and the implementation of the Route4U Joint Programme with the European Commission.
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Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe: 2018 Activity Report

Local Actions for Employment in the prefecture of Messinia

topsa_logo_01 The Cultural Foundation “Routes of the Olive Trees” participates in the partnership of the Project “Local Actions for Employment in the prefecture of Messinia”.

The Project “Local Actions for Employment in the prefecture of Messinia” addresses unemployed people, young farmers, scientists and entrepreneurs of the region, aiming at providing them with structured services for their social integration and enhancement of their employability.

To this end, the project implements a complete scheme of actions including: Networking, Information & Sensitization, Training, Consulting – Support.


MEDDIET: Study visit in Messinia

From June 16 to 20, project partners from Lebanon, Egypt and Tunisia realized a study visit in Messinia, in the frames of the activity “Institutional Capacity Building”.

The aim of this study visit was to share information and knowledge on the best practices and policies in Europe regarding the Mediterranean Diet, with view to improve the existing legal framework and promote a common Mediterranean legal framework for the protection and safeguard of the traditional Mediterranean products.In the study visit participated representatives and executives from national organizations and decision making actors from 3 Mediterranean countries, concretely: Tunisia – Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Trade, Producers Association,  Agronomic Research and Highest Education Institute, Olive Tree Institute / Lebanon – Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Economy & Trade,  Health Ministry, Institute of Agronomic Research, Chamber of Commerce Industry & Agriculture of Tripoli and Southern Lebanon, Chamber of Commerce Industry & Agriculture of Beirut & Mount Lebanon / Egypt – Ministry of Agriculture, Health Ministry, Arab Academy of Science Technology & Maritime Transport, Egyptian Tourism Federation, Nutrition Institute, Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations.During their visit, the foreign experts took part in different events and scientific activities, including: conference in the Technological Educational Institute of Peloponnese, olive oil tasting at the Olive Oil Tasting Panel, visits to enterprises of traditional products transformation, agro food production and standardization units, visit to the local market of Kalamata and agricultural businesses in the municipalities of Oichalia, Trifylia etc.

No end to crime…

Once more, Israel sheds civilian blood in Gaza.
Hundreds of dead and over 4.000 injured so far…

Israel continues to shed blood in Palestine with merciless bombings and brutal pounding. So far (22/7/2014), over 500 people have been killed, most of them children, women and elderly, over 4.000 have been injured and thousands have left their homes… ALL CIVILIANS, ALL INNOCENT.

In the last 5 weeks, 3 Israeli teenagers were killed (by whom???) in the West Bank, a Palestinian boy was burned alive, a US citizen boy was brutally beaten up by Israeli police and over 40 children in Gaza were killed in Israeli air strikes.


Annual Meeting of ReCOMed in Messinia

The annual meeting of ReCOMed – Mediterranean Olive Oil Cities Network was successfully realized in Messinia, with the participation of 12 countries.

The works were attended by members of the network from Italy, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Tunisia, Albania, Portugal, Morocco, Croatia, Slovenia and Montenegro.
Greece is represented in the RECOMED network by the Cultural Foundation “Routes of the Olive Tree” and the Messinian Chamber, founding member.
The agenda of the 1st day included, among others, workshops and presentations on issues of common interest, such the participation in important international events like the “Expo 2015” in Milan and the “Mediterranean Diet Forum 2014” in Imperia.
On the 2nd day, the meeting was held in Koroni at “Maniatakeion Foundation”, a very active organization for inscription of the Mediterranean Diet on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List of Humanity and the recognition of Koroni as an emblematic community of the Mediterranean Diet. The Cultural Foundation “Routes of the Olive Tree”, which has participated in previous meetings of the Network, was in charge of organizing this year meeting and made sure that this important event was equal to previous sessions held in Italy, Spain, Turkey, Morocco etc.

Council of Europe Cultural Routes Summer Seminar 2014

The Cultural Foundation «Routes of the Olive Tree» took part in the Council of Europe Cultural Routes Summer Seminar 2014, from 12th to 16th June in Santiago de Compostela, Spain (Cidade da Cultura Monte Gaiás).

The Cultural Foundation “Routes of the Olive Tree” was represented by the member of its scientific committee Mrs. Françoise Tondre,a former executive at the Council of Europe and an expert on European and international matters.

The agenda of the Seminar included issues of general and specific interest to the Cultural Routes, such as:

Institutional framework: Enlarged Partial Agreement on the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe / Organization of activities in cooperation with the Council of Europe and other European bodies.

The “Routes of the Olive Tree” and other certified routes presented the recent activities carried out through their networks and proved how these activities contribute to the success of the itinerary and conform to the certification criteria: network management, synergies on research and development, protection of Europe’s history and cultural patrimony, cultural tourism and sustainable development.

During the 2nd part of the seminar, scientific collaborators of the Council of Europe presented best practices, guidelines for designing an itinerary, valorization of cultural patrimony and creation of a partners’ network for the development of an itinerary.

Greek consumers love Mediterranean Diet: MedDiet!

In the 5 cities that hosted the events (Athens, Nafplio, Tripoli, Sparti and Kalamata), hundreds of visitors had the opportunity to be informed on the Mediterranean Diet and its multiple beneficial effects, by the MedDiet team and the nutrition experts participating in the events.

The Cultural Foundation « Routes of the Olive Tree » has successfully completed a set of information / sensitization events for consumers and stakeholders around the theme of the Mediterranean Diet, in the framework of the project MedDiet and the Mediterranean Cross-Border Cooperation Programme (ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin) 

More info on The Routes of the Olive Tree website

The painful odyssey of thousands of immigrants

A voyage around the Mediterranean reveals a claustrophobic & inhospitable face of Europe … 


The Mediterranean Sea, home of the olive tree, bellybutton of the ancient world, commercial crossroad between East and West, meeting point of people and cultures but also of military conflicts, is connected  in our memory with the Journey of Odysseus, who had been wandering for ten years between Troy and the Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar) before finally reaching Ithaca. While Odysseus was fortunate enough to return home, there are thousands of immigrants from African and Asiatic countries who quit their homelands hoping for the survival of themselves and their people left behind, only to become objects of exploitation, living under deplorable conditions and facing famine, misery and death every single day…

During the last decade seven thousand illegal immigrants have died horrible deaths in the waters of the Mediterranean, a tragedy that climaxed when the shipwreck off the coast of Lampedusa took the lives of hundreds of African men, women and children.

Victims of colonialism and imperialism, these tragic figures from the Third World desperately searching for a better fate in the Western and European capitalist « paradises », face total indifference from EU bodies as well as the hatred of many common people who are carried away by ideologies leading them to dark and dangerous paths; people who forget the fact that immigration is caused by the conflict of interests between great powers and the development gap among industrialized and underdeveloped countries, causing unbalanced distribution of social wealth among nations and people.

This is how the Odyssey of the immigrants from Africa who reach the coasts of southern Europe almost every day is described by the famous Swiss author J. Ziegler: «From the vast lands of black Africa, an enormous crowd of wanderers spill out into Sahara. Their dream is to reach the Mediterranean coast and afterwards Europe. Many souls are lost in the strait of Gibraltar. They set off on junk trucks, piled up in hundreds … The trucks travel for three or four days and at this part of the journey their human cargo starts to agonize. Along the roadsides lay pits full of corpses… In May 2001, a Touareg caravan described, north of Tenere, 141 corpses, 60 of them being Nigerians and the rest from Ghana, Cameroun, Niger and Gols Coast»[1].

Unfortunately, EU does not seem willing to face promptly this huge issue and is limited to keeping up pretences, as it became obvious at the visit of its President Mr. Barroso to the island of Lampedusa in order to express his support to the inhabitants. Under their jeers, he stammered a few minced words, without however mentioning the Schengen Agreement, tailored to the interests of the EU core countries, while south European countries are left to handle by themselves the dozens of thousands of immigrants who arrive to the coasts of Greece, Spain and Italy every day, piled up in hundreds in the slave traders’ old tubs, since this notorious agreement does not allow to send immigrants to another EU country.

It is a fact that the absorption capacity of immigrants in EU is limited, especially in the southern European countries due to the financial crisis. However, the solution is not indifference but distribution of immigrants on the basis of each country’s population and financial dynamic and, above all, supply of development aid to the countries of immigration origin, a basic condition for effective resolution of the problem.
The contemporary methods to protect European frontiers against the wave of immigration far from effectively protecting European citizens, harm what is left of the celebrated Western liberal democracy, favoring racist paranoia about superior and inferior races and triggering the lurking phantom of fascism and Nazism. It is high time the «successful» West and the «haves» had started to share their gains and financial «achievement» with the « have-nots » «damned of the earth», or else their success will be proven self-destructive …

[1] Jean Ziegler, Privatisation of the world and new global rulers, Sinchronoi-orizontes, Thessaloniki 2004
* This text is based on articles of Mr. Z. Papadimitriou, emeritus professor at the Law School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Mr. G. Stamkos, author, published in TVXS in November 2013.

Council of Europe Cultural Routes Annual Advisory Forum

Council of Europe Cultural Routes 2014 – 2024 – Quo Vadis?

Innsbruck (Austria), 21-22 November 2013

The Forum is an annual opportunity to present the state-of-play in the activities of Cultural routes and explore topical subjects connected to their program of activities through thematic presentations focusing on exchanges and debates. The Cultural Foundation “Routes of the olive tree” was represented at the Forum by Mrs. Marinella Katsilieri, responsible of the Cultural Program & Network, and Mrs. Françoise Tondre, member of the Scientific Committee, who were asked to contribute on the future of cultural routes and the new orientations.
Many European personalities attended the Forum: Mr. Herwig Van Staa, President of the Regional Parliament of Tyrol; Mr. Martin Eichtinger, General Director for cultural policies, Minister of European and International affairs of Austria; Mrs. Elisabeth Udolf-Strob, General Director of Tourism and historical objects, Ministry of Finance, Family and Youth of Austria; Mr. Philippe-Denis Fee, Minister of Culture and Communication of France; Mr. Guy Dockendorf, Minister of Culture of Luxembourg, President of the European Institute of Cultural Routes (IEIC); Mr. Werner von Trutzschler, representative of ICOMOS etc.  
European Union and the Council of Europe were represented at the forum by Mrs. Penelope Denu, Executive Secretary of APE, Director, European Institute of cultural routes; Mrs. Elke Atzler, President of the Direction Committee of APE; Mrs. Luisella Pavan-Woolfe, Ambassador, Head of the European Union Delegation at the Council of Europe; Mr. Eric Phliillart, Unity for Tourism and Cultural Instruments, DG Enterprises and Industry, European Commission.  
The program of the Forum included 5 Round Tables for the participants-representatives of Cultural Routes, the EU officers and the general public, during which the speakers and representatives of cultural routes examined issues concerning the future of cultural routes and future expectations. More precisely, they examined the added value for the countries joining the Program of Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, the means to optimize dialogue and cooperation, as well as cooperation between APE and other programs of activities of the Council of Europe, Experiences and best practices of the member countries of the Expanded Partial Agreement. 
The Cultural Foundation « Routes of the Olive Tree» took active part in all the works and presented its field experience and its suggestions on cultural tourism.
More precisely, Mrs. Marinella Katsilieri, responsible of the Cultural Program & the Network of the Cultural Foundation « Routes of the Olive Tree » spoke at the Round Table under the theme « Tourism & Culture » and presented the example of the «cultural routes ‘Olive Tree Routes’: networking as a tool for the creation of touristic products, promotion of destination ‘Europe’ and commitments about responsible tourism.

The theme drew the attention of the experts and participants and was presented in plenary session, as an excellent example of best practice to follow.