Study on the impact of European Cultural Routes on SME’s

The study of the “Impact of European Cultural Routes on SME’s: innovation and competitiveness”, jointly launched by the European Commission (EC) and the Council of Europe (CoE), is now available online.


This study was launched in September 2010 (see previous articles:The “Routes of the Olive Tree” and Cultural Tourism ; Study on the impact of cultural Routes on the SMEs ), to give an idea of ​​the impact of the Cultural Routes Programme of the CoE on the performance of SMEs, cluster initiatives and networking. The study also seeks to examine the potential of cultural routes to promote sustainable tourism and quality tourism in Europe, to strengthen the European identity, the awareness of the value of European cultures and to foster intercultural dialogue and understanding.

The network of “Routes of the Olive Tree”, partner of the study, is one of five exemplary case studies selected and published.

Download the Study of the “Impact of European Cultural Routes on SME’s: innovation and competitiveness”


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