The NGO Mawassen Khair (Charity Harvest) has been working actively for the protection of the environment of Lebanon for years.
Goal 2009 : reforestation of 40 000 olive groves in the South of Lebanon !


Ibrahim El Ali, founder of the NGO Mawassem Khair and long-time defender of the environment, is among those who wish to « leave to our children a planet where living is good for them ». The programmes he has been realising, especially in the South of Lebanon where he lives, are guided by the dream of sustainable development and the urgent need to preserve our ecosystem.

Among the NGO’s goals for 2009, one of the flagships-projects is to reforestate more than 40.000 olive trees in the south Lebanon, allowing the population to make up for the income they had lost because of the war and the forest fires that damaged the small farms. These olive trees will be planted in 50 villages, at the rate of 500 to 1000 olive trees per village, in cooperation with Finul, the local autorities, the religious leaders, schools and NGOs of the area. 100.000 people will be involved directly or indirectly in this project, among which the small production units of olive oil or soap.

This exemplary project is a catalyst of sustainable development in the area, impoverished by the war in 2006 and the shortage of local industrial installations.

More information in : (website in french)

 Sensitising meeting; Ibrahim El Ali’s nursery


2009-03-04-02 2009-03-04-03

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