The Foundation « The Routes of the Olive Tree » participated to the International Forum « Dieta Mediterranea » that took place at Imperia Chamber of Commerce, from 15th to 17th November 2012, in Italy.


Among this meeting objectives: to take actions in favor of Olive grove landscape preservation and the feedback about « Mediterranean Diet » valorization path. Since one year and a half from the first session (on May 6-7, 2011) and two year since UNESCO recognition  to the « Mediterranean Diet » , the International Forum brings together, for its second edition, delegates from 14 Mediterranean countries, merged into « Re.C.O.Med. » (Mediterranean Olive Oil Cities Network), born in Imperia last 17 November, 2011.
Culture, landscape and territory but also tourism and employment…
Mediterranean Diet, UNESCO label and intangible heritage, Mediterranean Olive Grove landscape, whose ReCOMed is carrying on the recognition path to UNESCO, are the focal issues discussed during the 3 days of 2012 Forum. Also, on Friday November 16, ReCOMed held its third Board of Directors, to the presence of delegates from Croatia, Morocco, Spain and Turkey, beyond Italy with President Enrico Lupi. The meeting was exceptionally enlarged for this occasion to the other present countries: Albania, Greece, Israel, Slovenia, Tunisia and Lebanon. Lebanon joined the network as thirteenth country just during the current Board of Directors session.


The Foundation “The Routes of the Olive Tree” , which counts, for many years now, among its network Italian members, the National Association of Oil producing Towns of Italy  “Città dell’Olio”, is the official representant of Greece within ReCOMed network, and is involved from the start in the ReCOMed process .
She participates to reflect about promotion of the common Olive cultural heritage and local tourism enhanced through this tree and its products. To reflect also on recent data showing an increasing defection from olive grove areas with worrying repercussions on hydro geological soils ‘shape, on the whole ecosystem but above all on local agricultural economy and on historical recollection belonging to centuries-old olive trees.

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