Women’s employment along the “Routes of the Olive”

On 17th and 18th July 2012, was held at the Pavillon “Al-Andalus” of the Science Park of Granada (Spain), the final conference of the European project “Euroempleo”, for international promotion and inter-regional cooperation in rural areas.

On this occasion, the Cultural Foundation “The Routes of the Olive Tree”, project partner for Greece, intervened to make a overview of employment and the exemplary participation of women along the “Routes of the Olive Tree” (especially  concerning tourism and gastronomy) and the example of ‘good practice’ and innovation in rural areas through the graphic-design studio “Zografistiki“, created by Stavroula Cheila in the city of Kalamata where are the headquarters of the “Routes of the Olive Tree” network..

2012-07-26-01 2012-07-26-02 2012-07-26-03 2012-07-26-04

More information about the project Euroempleo:


The “Routes of the Olive Tree” supports women’s employment- 04/23/2012

The “Routes of the Olive Tree” at “Crossroads of Europe”

2012-05-21The cultural itineraries « The Route of the Olive Tree » will participed to the international Fair « Crossroads of Europe », at the initiative of European Commission.

The European Commission is organising – in cooperation with the City of Pavia, in Italy – the first edition of theAnnual Fair on cultural tourism “Crossroads of Europe”. The focus for this first year is on Cultural and religious routes, with a new and different approach, morebusiness oriented.

The ‘Routes of the OliveTree’, as cultural and touristic itineraries, will be presented within a dedicated info session from 11:00 till 13:00 on Friday 8 June 2012, that will provide a strong appeal for the Tour operators and Media, at both European and international level, maybe using some good images of your itinerary.

The event will take place in Pavia (Italy) from 6 to 10 June 2012.

More information, the draft programme, access to registration for the conference and the form to fill for the b2b events, here, on the Website:
Crossroads of Europe – Pavia 2012


An original proposal of tours that combines agricultural production, trade of traditional products, cuisine and the heritage of the olive tree, was presented a few days ago, in Messinia, to a delegation of French tour operators, specialized in cultural tours.



Visits and meetings were held, from 12th to 17th of May 2012, all around the region of Messinia, in order to show the monuments and archaeological sites that are associated with the olive and its products, traditional oil mills and various testimonies of the traditionneal uses of olive oil, etc., selected by members of the Scientific Committee of the Cultural Foundation “The Routes of the Olive.”
Note that “The Little Route of the Olive Tree” is a proposal of the Cultural Foundation “The Routes of the Olive” for cultural and theme tourism of traditionnal oil oil producing regions.

The aim of these visits was to turn one of the emblematic routes of “The Routes of the Olive Tree” in Greece in a program adapted to the touristical offers of tour operators in cultural tourism, and that should be provided to tourists  from 2013.

1st Administrative Board for Re.C.O.M.ed

A few days after the Italian delegation of the project visited the headquarters of the Cultural Foundation « The Olive Tree Routes », the 1st Administrative Board of Re.C.O.M.ed met in Meknès, Morocco, at the initiative of the city’s mayor Mr. Ahmed HILAL and the director of Agro-Pôle Olivier , Mr. Noureddine OUAZZANI.
During this meeting the programme and the starting date of activities for 2012 were set, as well as the base for the network’s communication strategy.

Re.C.O .M.ed was created on November 19 2011 in Impéria, on the occasion of the International Forum « Dieta Mediterranea ».

This network is the result of a long term process, involving from the start the Foundation “The Routes of the Olive Tree”.
It proves the shared desire to profit from the Mediterranean dynamics of both cultural and economic life for the promotion of olive tree products and heritage, in consultation with all Mediterranean countries and the implementation of concrete transnational projects aimed at stakeholders of olive growing regions. It is a very important step towards the recognition and marketing of these territories, often facing difficulties, and of their expertise.


The “Routes of the Olive Tree” supports women’s employment

The Cultural Foundation “Routes of the Olive Tree” participes in Euroempleo, an european program aimed at promoting transnational and inter-regional cooperation actions in relation to employment.

The “Routes of the Olive Tree” has been selected as expert, through the European Social Fund and the Andalusian Employment Service, to support researches for joint solutions between institutions from European areas (Portugal, Slovenia, Greece, Luxembourg and Italy) and to favour the interchange of information, experience, products or beneficiaries.

Through this project, an European Network have been created for the purpose of interchanging experiences and best practices in the area of women’s employment and cultural tourism in rural areas.

As partner for Greece, the Cultural Foundation “The Routes of the Olive Tree” organized several meetings with enterprises where the women have an important role, located in some municipalities of Messinia (Peloponnese) related with the Route of the Olive Tree, in the framework of the visit of the spanish leader of the project. This meetings took place from 17th to 20th of April 2012, all around Messinia, in order to highlight innovative initiatives, enterprises and “best practices” from women, in rural areas of the region.

The results of the survey will published during summer 2012.

Employment Agency of Messinia Ms Nikolopoulou
Women Association Filiatrinoula
Youth Center For Environment in Kalamata
Traders Union of Kalamata Ms Psilaki
Headquarter of the Routes of the Olive Tree

New publication on the “Routes of the Olive Tree”!

2012-03-20The 29 Cultural Routes, including « The Routes of the Olive Tree », have recently been the subject of a book published by the Italian Touring Club for its members.

These itineraries that received the certification of the Council of Europe, have been chosen in order to concretely highlight “The European cultural community”.The themes of these cultural routes go from the first artistic expressions in painted grottoes to the pilgrimways, the travels of artists, as well as fundamental agricultural landscapes: vineyards or olive trees.

This guidebook has been conceived, prepared and written by theEuropean Institute of Cultural Routes (Eleonora Berti and Michel Thomas-Penette; Foreword by Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni)



Chapters of the book

Introduction: a multiple Europe

The art of the first Europeans

Pilgrims, monks and masters builders

Merchants and conquerors

Cultivators and industrials

Architects: between cities and gardens

The Foundation at the International Heritage Show

From November 4 to November 7, 2010, the Cultural Foundation « Routes of the Olive Tree » participated in the 16th edition of the International Heritage Show in Paris.

This year’s Show was dedicated to the Mediterranean Heritage and highlighted the synergies between actions developed by the leading actors of this heritage.

The Cultural Foundation was invited by the European Institute of Cultural Routes , which implements the programme of Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, the body that recognised the network « the Routes of the Olive Tree» as a « Great European Cultural Route » in 2006. This year the Foundation presented an information stand on its activities and proposed tasting of products from the olive oil producing region that it crosses.

On the occasion, the Foundation had the pleasure to welcome, among others, the French ministers of Tourism and Culture, Herve Novelli and Frederic Mitterrand.

F. Mitterrand, French Minister of Culture

Study on the impact of cultural Routes on the SMEs

On Monday 10 November, at the Palace of Europe in Strasbourg, the Foundation «The Routes of the Olive Tree » gave a speech in the framework of a reunion for the « Study on the impact of the European Cultural Routes on Small and Medium Enterprises, innovation and competitiveness».
This study, undertaken in cooperation with the Council of Europe and the European Commission, aims at examining the existing and potential advantages for the SMEs of transnational initiatives of cultural tourism, like the European Cultural Routes, that include the network « the Olive Tree Routes ».
Many experts and representatives of European Routes, the European Institute of Cultural Routes (responsible for setting up the programme of Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe) and European Cultural Routes came together to identify a common analyse strategy.
The Cultural Foundation « the Routes of the Olive Tree » took the opportunity to remind its experience in implicating and collaborating with SMEs in cultural destinations around the theme of the olive tree civilisation, as well as the valuable presence of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce, which have supported its initiatives since the beginning.

The website of the «Routes of the Olive Tree» in Arabic!

The website of the « Routes of the Olive Tree » is now available in Arab version.

Here you can find the Foundation’s activities, projects and partners, information on the olive tree and olive oil civilisation, translated in Arabic on our site www.olivetreeroute.gr .


A new window of dialogue with our friends south of the Mediterranean….
…to the greatest joy of those in love with the olive tree, its beneficial effects and age-old heritage!


In September and October the Cultural Foundation « The Routes of the Olive Tree » participated in several important events in the framework of Meetings of the European Cultural Itineraries in Athens and Karpathos (Greece), the European Day of Tourism in Brussels and the Grand Feast of Messinia, that took place in Athens… 
The Cultural Foundation « The Routes of the Olive Tree », has been recognised many times as an international and European cultural itinerary and its network, with more than 145 partners nowadays and recently authorised by the Council of Europe, was invited  to participate in three important meetings and conferences.

On 7 September, in Athens, the Foundation « The Routes of the Olive Tree » was invited by the department of International Relations of the Greek Ministry of Culture to a round table that brought together representatives of cultural itineraries in Greece, the Ministry of Culture and Touristic Development and the European Institute of the Council of Europe.
The Foundation brought up its action for the promotion of the « Routes of the Olive Tree » during the last 10 years and also presented its plans for the year 2010-2011, with special mention to the touristic valorisation of local itineraries of the « Routes of the Olive Tree », especially through the region of Peloponnese (south of Greece) and pilot programmes developed in Morocco and Lebanon.

The “Routes of the Olive Tree” attended the meeting of the European Cultural Routes on “the cultural heritage, cultural itineraries, cultural tourism, Sustainable, Cultural, Economic and Social Development, the collaborative networks and exemplary practices”, which was organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in Karpathos from the 20th to the 22nd  September 2010, invited by the Karpathian Mr. Theodosis Mastrominas, ex. member of staff of European Commission
The meeting was attended by Mrs Maria Vlazaki, Director General for Antiquities of the Ministry for Culture and Tourism, Ms. Zoe Kazazaki, Head of the Directorate  for International Relations of the same ministry, Mr Michel Thomas Penette, director of the Institute for European Cultural Routes of the  Council of Europe, Greek and foreign representatives of cultural routes, that are either recognized by the Council of Europe, or in the stage of application  for recognition, as well as representatives  of the local authorities.
A presentation of recent developments and  planning of the “Routes of the Olive Tree” took place during the meeting.
2010-10-08-01On September 27 the Foundation was in Brussels, where the European Commission brings together every year the professionals of tourism in the framework of the European Day of Tourism, for a day of conferences dedicated to European cultural itineraries as new touristic forms and strategies in Europe, and their recent integration in the heart of the new tourism practices of the European Union. In this important day were present, among others, the ministers of Culture from France, Italy, Spain, Germany and Portugal, the minister of the German-speaking community of Belgium and the European Institute of cultural itineraries chosen to present the pertinence and relevance of the Programme that has implicated the Foundation since 2005.

The Foundation was represented by our collaborator Mr. Edouard de Laubrie who participated in the 4th session under the title « Tourism, Sustainable development and network » and took the opportunity to go back to the activities and projects of the Routes of the Olive Tree regarding cultural tourism, under the theme « Routes of the Olive Tree and traditional values».

The Foundation was also present through the exhibition «Europe on the Move: cultural itineraries of the Council of Europe» installed in the building of the European Union.

From 11 to 13 October the Cultural Foundation « Routes of the Olive Tree » participated in the Grand Feast of Messinian that took place in the centre of Athens (Syntagma Metro station)

This important event in the Greek capital, organised in common with the Messinian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, included several actions (exhibitions, degustation, meetings, etc.)

The Foundation « The Routes of the Olive Tree » had a central place in the Feast, especially with a great exhibition entitled « Routes of the Olive Tree: an itinerary for intercultural dialogue and development of international cooperation». At the same time, these three days they also had a stand for the exhibition and promotion of olive products sold at the shop « The Routes of the OLIVE TREE SHOP ».
Exhibition at Syntagma Station
Exhibition at Syntagma Station