Council of Europe Cultural Routes Annual Advisory Forum

Council of Europe Cultural Routes 2014 – 2024 – Quo Vadis?

Innsbruck (Austria), 21-22 November 2013

The Forum is an annual opportunity to present the state-of-play in the activities of Cultural routes and explore topical subjects connected to their program of activities through thematic presentations focusing on exchanges and debates. The Cultural Foundation “Routes of the olive tree” was represented at the Forum by Mrs. Marinella Katsilieri, responsible of the Cultural Program & Network, and Mrs. Françoise Tondre, member of the Scientific Committee, who were asked to contribute on the future of cultural routes and the new orientations.
Many European personalities attended the Forum: Mr. Herwig Van Staa, President of the Regional Parliament of Tyrol; Mr. Martin Eichtinger, General Director for cultural policies, Minister of European and International affairs of Austria; Mrs. Elisabeth Udolf-Strob, General Director of Tourism and historical objects, Ministry of Finance, Family and Youth of Austria; Mr. Philippe-Denis Fee, Minister of Culture and Communication of France; Mr. Guy Dockendorf, Minister of Culture of Luxembourg, President of the European Institute of Cultural Routes (IEIC); Mr. Werner von Trutzschler, representative of ICOMOS etc.  
European Union and the Council of Europe were represented at the forum by Mrs. Penelope Denu, Executive Secretary of APE, Director, European Institute of cultural routes; Mrs. Elke Atzler, President of the Direction Committee of APE; Mrs. Luisella Pavan-Woolfe, Ambassador, Head of the European Union Delegation at the Council of Europe; Mr. Eric Phliillart, Unity for Tourism and Cultural Instruments, DG Enterprises and Industry, European Commission.  
The program of the Forum included 5 Round Tables for the participants-representatives of Cultural Routes, the EU officers and the general public, during which the speakers and representatives of cultural routes examined issues concerning the future of cultural routes and future expectations. More precisely, they examined the added value for the countries joining the Program of Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, the means to optimize dialogue and cooperation, as well as cooperation between APE and other programs of activities of the Council of Europe, Experiences and best practices of the member countries of the Expanded Partial Agreement. 
The Cultural Foundation « Routes of the Olive Tree» took active part in all the works and presented its field experience and its suggestions on cultural tourism.
More precisely, Mrs. Marinella Katsilieri, responsible of the Cultural Program & the Network of the Cultural Foundation « Routes of the Olive Tree » spoke at the Round Table under the theme « Tourism & Culture » and presented the example of the «cultural routes ‘Olive Tree Routes’: networking as a tool for the creation of touristic products, promotion of destination ‘Europe’ and commitments about responsible tourism.

The theme drew the attention of the experts and participants and was presented in plenary session, as an excellent example of best practice to follow.

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